Media Library

Primary company colour: #4a5453
GREY is used for all text and most headings

Secondary company colour: #f7941d 
ORANGE used for buttons and icons

For more details and colours see the Styleguide

Alma’s fonts have been chosen from the Google font library Zilla Slab and Open Sans. They are free to use and download. Available for online, print, PC and MAC environments. Click font name to download:

For more details and which fonts to use where – see the Styleguide.

The main logo variation to use is the horizontal version. Click logo file type to download.

  • Web logo 1200px x 800px
    – white background: jpg
    – transparent background: png
  • Print logo
    – zipped and opens with illustrator: ai

For more details on logo variations available – see the Styleguide


Alma Metals styleguide includes details for the correct use of our company logos, fonts and colours.

Need help?

Dan Davis – Company Secretary